Moving on to Chapter 2 in our story gives a little more detail about the state of our hearts and minds as God began his working in bring about another miracle in our family.
Each day, we as Gods children are given opportunities to respond to the call of our Father in countless areas of our lives. We are given the choice of saying "yes" or "no". I shudder to think of how many blessings I've missed because I said no to an invitation to follow God's heart. Sometimes saying "yes" takes us to unknown places that stretch us. Stretching can be painful but it also causes us to be more pliable in the potters hand. As our family responded to Gods call 3 1/2 years ago to open the arms of our family to a little China girl who had never known the love of a mommy, daddy, sister and brother we released the floodgates of blessing and healing in ourselves. Our "yes" was at times painful, exhausting, uncomfortable, hard and boy were we stretched but each day I wake up to the beautiful sounds of this precious girl loving life in our family and looking like she has ALWAYS been here. She looks nothing like me but I know confidently that when God formed her, He knew she would be mine. God made her for me, He chose her for me and He brought her home to me and I am so much more complete with her than I was without her. So as I held these treasured emotions in my heart each and every day feeling the warmth of the love they created within me and I always wondered if perhaps God would issue another call and would I be brave enough to say "yes".
As the months and years passed it seemed as though God was closing that door to another child. Personally, I kept knocking on the door yet it never opened. Life was hard in many ways and I did have a tough time just managing the day to day stuff of our family. We had taken on the chore of Homeschooling which consumed me and honestly left me absolutely spent and frustrated 90% of the time. I found myself with barely enough time to shower and brush my teeth therefore as we rolled into the fall of 2009 I had settled into the reality that we were complete as our little "Six Pack". Life continued in a state of craziness but we were "comfy" and oh how I love "comfy". Doesn't everyone?
The photo at the beginning of this post was taken just before my birthday on October 31, 2009. Unknown to my comfy self the waves of something exciting were brewing...........
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